Sue Miller – Cuban Flute Improviser, Writer & Academic

My new music lecturing post at Anglia Ruskin University CambridgeOctober 11th, 2010

I am now senior lecturer in music at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge and head of the BA (Hons) in Popular Music. The course focus is on analysis of popular music (Anglo-American, European and World-wide), performance (composition and improvisation) and (ethno) musicology. There are also modules on studio music, event management, music teaching and music therapy. Do get in touch if you are interested in doing the course or undertaking research in these areas (MA. MPhil or PhD) and wanting supervision. More information on my research interests from:

In addition to my teaching and research I will still be undertaking performance projects with Charanga del Norte and Trombanga del Norte, fitting them around my new university commitments.